I know you have been through a lot these days.
A month ago you had a car accident. got a scar and nine stitches on ur face. but you never saw even my shadow visiting you in the hospital. Nor a single message from me asking, how are you doing? Last week you celebrated your birthday. No greeting from me either. you sent me a goodnight message two nights ago. "who is this please?" was my reply. You replied only today, telling me its you and continued the message asking for an apology for all the blunders and telling me how you missed me. For the blunders, i said, its ok everyone has its shortcomings too. But you corrected me saying its not "its short-comings" but "their short-comings." When i've read it I felt a stubbing sensation in my chest. I opted not to reply. i might send a message that would add insult to injury.
They say time is a great healer. Now i beg to disagree. From where i'm standing you only get to be healed when you decided to be cured. I want to ask you when will you have that decision to be cured? I know i can never ask this in person. i'm not good in telling how i feel in person. Everytime i try i always felt a lump in my throat, preventing words to come out. Instead of words, tears will just spontaneuosly wells up in my eyes. Thats why i hate being confronted with emotions i know i can hardly handle. Aside from my immediate family, only few individuals really saw me sobbed. one, was my writer-friend who called me a crybaby and comforts me with a prayer. second, was my artist-friend who feels and understands my emotions. then the other one was a person who offended me the most. Even this person's shadow i cant stand.
Sure I know you have a good heart but may the kindness of your heart will not be contaminated with the bitterness you are feeling with the couple who caused you so much pain.
Yes I also missed you.
i missed the person i used to look up to
i missed the person who used to give me insights
i missed the person i whished to be like when grow up.
i missed the person who used to give me insights
i missed the person i whished to be like when grow up.
I feel for you as you are in the maze of your wild confusion.
I feel for you as you enter into your nights inscrutible.
My only hope dear one is for youn to be whole again.
Please be cured quickly.
I feel for you as you enter into your nights inscrutible.
My only hope dear one is for youn to be whole again.
Please be cured quickly.